Monday, July 1, 2013

His Will and Timing are Perfect...

I thought I'd give an update since it's been a couple weeks.  A few days ago I felt challenged by God to read through the Bible in 90 days.  If I am honest, I'll admit that reading the Bible has always been a challenge for me.  I love the Word of God, but reading it has always been hard.  Anywho, when you are going through it so quickly, you get right to the good stories.  I have already read about Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and today I just read about Joseph.  Abraham was called to leave everything he had known and go to a strange land with strange people that lived in a strange culture.  I sort of feel like that right now.  We are completely in the dark.

Hopefully after today the job situation for one of us will look a little less bleak.  Jolene has a phone interview today with a hospital in Tampa.  It isn't her dream position, but it's something.  As we've been planning our move we have said continually, "We can do anything for 6 months to a year."  We are praying for His will and timing to be perfect.

We are still praying for a place to live too.  Jolene's cousin has a friend that may have a house for us, but we are playing the waiting game for that too.  Thank God the weather is warm in Florida because we might have to live in our car for a bit.  I'm only kidding, but not really.  Again, we're praying for His will and timing to be perfect.

We are also still praying for some people to support us monetarily.  It's hard because we aren't the pastors of the new church, and we don't have any leadership title, but we are treating this as not so much a missions trip, but a missions life.  We need people to believe in what we are doing and pray and give to help us get there.  Once there, we will have the means to live, but getting there is the hardest part.  Moving is expensive. It will cost a couple grand just for the moving truck and gas to get there.  Not to mention the deposit/first and last month's rent that we need for a house or apartment in St. Pete.  If anyone feels led to help us they can donate at .  All we know is that His will and timing are perfect.