Saturday, June 8, 2013

Praying For Wisdom

According to the Bible, Solomon was the wisest person to ever live.  He was told by God to ask for anything and it would be granted.  He could have asked for money, power, or anything else, but he asked for wisdom.  That says a couple things about him: 1) he was already wise enough to know that if he was truly wise he'd get the other things, 2) he understood that God doesn't want us to go after things, but rather after His mindset.  It's always a good idea to model behaviors after those that have been successful, so I'm asking for wisdom like Solomon.

We have a little over 60 days until we are moving, and I'm starting to freak out.  At the risk of looking tacky I set up a web site for people to see our mission and donate to help support us in God's call on our life (  That is fine and good, but with so many people going on missions trips asking for the same, I don't want to make people annoyed with another person seemingly begging for money.  At the same time, if I was in a position to give, I'd want someone to tell me how I could do so.  It's a catch 22 for me.  The question becomes, "How do I ask people to support us without sounding like I'm trying to guilt them in to it?"

This is why I'm praying for wisdom.  We know that God has called us to go to St. Pete.  We know that he will provide.  We need the wisdom in knowing how.  Should we get a big truck and pack it all in, or should we be selling everything and starting over?  What size truck or trailer do we need?  Where are we going to live?  Where are we going to work?  Should I go down early and find work, or keep applying online and hope something breaks?

Listening and obeying God's call on your life is amazing.  It's exciting, and I think about it constantly.  As we make our decisions about what to do, we are asking God for his direction.

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